Bananas are particularly high in vitamin B6. This vitamin is important for creating hemoglobin for healthy blood. Vitamin B6 is also involved in maintaining proper blood sugar levels, synthesizing and breaking down amino acids and producing antibodies for a stronger immune response in our body.
We also get 64.3 % water, 1.3 % protein, 24.7 % carbohydrate. They are highly beneficial especially for the children. Besides these, bananas keep us healthy and refreshed. Bananas carry all sorts of mind, body and beauty benefits.
The benefits are the following. Read on for 14 Banana health benefits that will give you more energy, improved digestion and even improve the way you look and feel.
1. Constipation
or Acidity:
We get relief from dry, gas and acidity. It saves us from
constipation. We can get more benefits if we eat bananas with sugar.
2. Soothe puffy eyes:
Beauty experts claim
that rubbing mashed banana underneath the eyes can help reduce puffiness. That’s
because the potassium in bananas reportedly limits fluid retention.
3. Cough
and vomiting:
If we eat bananas regularly, we get relief from cough and
vomiting problems.
4. Menstruation:
Cooked Bananas help the women who are suffering from a
lot of blooding while menstruation.
5. Burned
get more relief while applying banana paste on burned skin wound.
6. Beautify your hair:
When mashed and
applied like a conditioner, bananas also reportedly soften hair and
preserve its elasticity.
7. Stomach
We can solve the simple stomach problems while eating
banana mixed with milk.
8. Digestive
Magnesium found in bananas keeps our digestive system in
a good condition. Most of us don’t get nearly enough fibber in our diets. Fibber
is needed to help food travel smoothly through the digestive tract. It also
improves your bowel movements. Bananas are a great source of dietary fibber.
9. Cholesterols
We get more potassium and less sodium which keeps blood
circulation in control and lessens the body bad cholesterols. Potassium is an
essential mineral which maintains proper heart function and regulates your
blood pressure. Potassium-rich foods such as bananas actually offset the effect
of sodium (salt) in raising your blood pressure. Bananas’ potassium content
also benefits your kidneys and bones
10. Strong
Calcium is increased while eating a kind of Probayotic
bacteria found in bananas. We need calcium to make our bone stronger and
healthier. Growing more age stops producing calcium. So, eating bananas protect
us from bone problems. Decreased calcium excretion means more calcium to
preserve your bones. This means a banana or two a day can reduce the risk of
developing osteoporosis and brittle bones.
11. Physical
We should pay attention
to food items to stay healthy. Being satisfied with full stomach is not enough.
Sometimes, food is not more matter but method of having food is the most
important. Sometimes, wrong process of eating foods makes us unhealthy and
sick. To improve weak physical condition, bananas are must. Because,
Carotenoids anti
oxidant found in bananas, makes each and every body systems stronger
and stronger.
12. Lack
of Blood:
Eating bananas
everyday maintains blood in body. Because, there is enough iron in bananas,
which produces enough hemoglobin and saves us from anemia.
13. Respiratory
We get more relief in our respiratory system while eating
warm bananas.
14. Saving
from Ulcer
Eating bananas regularly saves us from mouth and stomach
ulcer. Bananas are a known cure for heartburn. They help balance your stomach’s
pH and enhance the protective mucus layer, relieving pain. The fibber content
also moves food through your digestive tract faster - preventing re-flux.Eating bananas
regularly may help protect against stomach ulcers. Over the long term, bananas
thicken the protective mucus barrier in the stomach, preventing damage from
hydrochloric acid. Bananas also contain protease inhibitors that help eliminate
stomach bacteria which can cause stomach ulcers.